Module 1: Customer Needs Assessment

In this module, we will go over some of the initial steps you will need to take to establish what kind of detailing the customer requires, how to assess the vehicle, and what special considerations you should take into account before taking on a vehicle for detailing.

Establishing Customer Requirements

Clear communication between you and the customer is a sure path to a satisfied client, who will then come back to you for the service. Therefore, before agreeing on detailing a car, you should make sure that the customer is clear about what they want, and what you have to offer.

Car detailing can include anything from a basic, simple wash, to complete vehicle restoration and detailing. Make sure you inform the customer in advance of the services you offer, and the cost of each package.

Cars that are in good shape might only require a simple wipe-down and light touchups. Other customers might request that you restore the paint job, and conduct a thorough interior and exterior car detailing.

Many customers know exactly what they want. However, you should be ready to suggest the services you offer depending on the customers’ needs and their car’s condition.

After understanding what type of service the customer requires, you can move along with the process.

Assessing a Customer’s Vehicle

The first step in auto detailing should always be the assessment of the customer’s vehicle. There are many factors that could affect the price of the service you provide and the final outcome.

Correct assessment will lead to managing customer’s expectations and their satisfaction in the end. The size of the car, brand, age, usage, and much more could affect the condition of the vehicle and the price of detailing.

The first step in assessment should be the exterior condition. The appearance of the vehicle and damages to the paint job should be taken into account when taking on a new client. The customer might request a full repair of the paint job to make the car look brand-new. Other customers might request a simple polish.

There are various types of damage to a cars paint job that will require different methods to repair.

Another important step in the initial assessment is the car’s interior condition. Before you start a car detailing, it should be thoroughly cleaned of any surface dirt.

Through constant neglect, some car owners’ vehicles are in unsanitary conditions. While assessing, you should also take into consideration such circumstances.

Special Considerations

There are different vehicle types that some car detailers often won’t accept. The key is to understand how well your business is equipped to handle various conditions and types of cars. Every car comes in a different condition, which depends on its owner’s habits, climate, and other factors.

Vintage and Luxury Vehicles

Vintage vehicles can be brought in for detailing. Such cars are very expensive and people who collect them value and cherish them. Detailing such cars requires extra precision and care.

Most often, vintage paint jobs aren’t as sturdy as the modern ones, and might not withstand the same polishing and compounding as regular cars.

Because of the heightened risk associated with detailing vintage cars, and added high expectations from the customers, some car detailers avoid taking in such vehicles.

However, with the right knowledge and equipment, you can take on the exciting project of detailing a vintage model.

Another category that requires special attention is luxury vehicles. The owners of such cars take pride in their vehicles and expect a level of service average car users usually don’t.

While detailing a Porsche or Lamborghini model can be a dream for many car detailers, it requires extra patience and precision to meet the needs of a customer used to the highest quality.

This doesn’t mean that you should not take in vintage or luxury vehicles for detailing. The key is to understand how well-equipped your shop is, and which products to use, in order to achieve the best results and satisfy the customer.


Detailing a well-kept car is different from dealing with a car that hasn’t been washed in years. Some cars might even have mold growing in them. Dealing with a moldy car will require special skills and tools to completely remove the problem.

Another consideration is biohazardous vehicles that will also require special attention. There are many unfortunate incidents that might make a car biohazardous, including serious injuries, homicides, and unattended deaths. Such incidents may require removal of blood and other bodily fluids from the vehicle.

Due to the high risk involved in detailing biohazardous cars, there are special regulations in place to ensure health and safety when treating such vehicles.

Before agreeing to detail a biohazardous vehicle, make sure to check your local laws on the subject and ensure the safety of all people involved.